
Every three years, Beacon Community Impact completes a Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) to understand the greatest needs of the communities in Beacon Health’s service area. The 2024 CHNA report details these qualitative and quantitative findings from the community.

Download the 2024 Community Health Needs Assessment Report

Social Determinants of Health

In recent years, public health professionals and the broader community have begun to recognize that economic and social conditions have an impact on overall health outcomes. These conditions are referred to as Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) and they are impacting our community in significant ways. Factors such as income, education and occupation all play into Beacon Community’s Impact four priority areas:

Maintaining a healthy weight can help reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. Research shows that a healthy weight and staying active can also improve overall mood and well-being.

Our Healthy Family priority focuses on programming that improves maternal and child health outcomes, and fosters positive family relationships. 

This priority encompasses a wide range of programming aimed at reducing substance misuse in alcohol, illicit drugs, prescription drugs and tobacco.

We recognize that mental health issues need increased acknowledgement within our community.

Community Partners

In order to address SDOH, Beacon Community Impact partners with organizations in Elkhart, Marshall and Saint Joseph Counties who are tackling issues of food insecurity, housing, safety or economic stability. Our goal is to tackle these issues upstream so that our partners who are working downstream, directly serving individuals with certain health factors, are more likely to succeed.

Current and future partners who are working to address SDOH see the value in holistic approaches that improve health. Their work is complementary to the work done by clinics, educators and peer supporters. By continuing to provide support for organizations like the ones below, Beacon Community Impact hopes to see sustainable change that supports the health and wellbeing of the whole community.

Beacon Community Impact Programs

In addition to our externally funded partners, Beacon Community Impact provides the following programming within our SDOH Priority, including:


Every three years, Beacon Community Impact completes a Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) to understand the greatest needs of the communities in Beacon Health’s service area. The 2024 CHNA report details these qualitative and quantitative findings from the community.

Download the 2024 Community Health Needs Assessment Report